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A Mossy Branch with Meral Altilar

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Lesson 1 of 3
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A profile photo of Meral Altilar.

Hi and welcome to my mossy branch demonstration. I wanted to create a one hour workshop that would give you the opportunity to explore markings when pastelling trees and greenery with a little bit of whimsy thrown in!

I am traditionally a realism artist but also love whimsical qualities in art.

I have included details and images of the pastels used in the demonstration at the start of the video, which you can pause and replay. I have done this for less focus on colour accuracy and more focus on exploring light, mid and dark tonal values. If it helps before watching, choose 3 browns, 3 greens (a dark, medium and light tone of each colour), a black and very deep blue or purple.

Perhaps throw in a lilac and a very light pink, blue or white and just enjoy !

Please share your work here in the Pastel Academy members Group as I would love to see your own mossy branch!

Meral Altilar

Meral's stylish signature with branding.


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