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A Different Perspective with Unison Colour, by Robert Dutton

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Pastel From A Different Perspective

Robert Dutton takes Unison Colour pastels to new heights… from a glider!

I have always been in awe of drone filmmaking and photographers capturing the earth from above – a fascinating perspective indeed!

My imagination takes flight as I soar and dream of what it must be like to view the earth from above in real space and time from such dizzying heights.

Recently I got my chance to do the same and feel like I was flying -just like a bird! A birthday gift was a flight in a glider with Yorkshire Gliding Club based on the top of Sutton Bank escarpment in Yorkshire.

I must admit, it was fantastic! The day was clear and bright and once in the air after an exhilarating take off, we could see for miles in every direction. The first thing that struck me was how ‘green’ Yorkshire was and how the division of every field and piece of land one agonising the other in different shapes and patterns formed a quilt like structure.


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